Lecture abstracts
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講題 Topic: 香港海灘水質實時預報系統 / Real time Beach Water Quality Forecast for Hong Kong
日期 Date: 2011 4 26日 (星期二) 下午 6 時至 7 15
April 26, 2011 (Tuesday), 6:00pm - 7:15pm
地點 Venue: 香港中央圖書館 演講廳
Lecture Theatre, Hong Kong Central Library
講者 Speaker: 李行偉教授 / Project WATERMAN 項目負責人
Prof. Joseph H.W. Lee / Principal Investigator of Project WATERMAN
講題大綱 Abstract:




Hong Kong has a beautiful coastline that extends over 700 km. There are 41 gazetted beaches that are used by millions of users during the March-October bathing season: swimming, surfing, canoeing, and various activities on the beach. Protection of our precious beach resource is of foremost importance for the sustainable development of Hong Kong.

Swimming in polluted waters is hazardous to health. Epidemiological studies have shown that bacteria level is a good indicator of beach water quality. The WATERMAN system provides daily beach water quality forecasts to Hong Kong beaches through the internet; worldwide it is one of the most advanced water quality forecasting and management systems of its kind.

This lecture will introduce the basic principles of the WATERMAN beach water quality forecast system and how it benefits citizens and beach goers. It will be conducted in Cantonese with simultaneous English translation.

幻燈片 Slides: Public Lecture 1, Slides 公開講座系列一 / Public Lecture 1
影片 Videos:
Public Lecture 1, 1.2mbps
Windows Media Video
360 x 288, 300kbps
Public Lecture 1, 1.2mbps
Windows Media Video
720 x 576, 500kbps
Public Lecture 1, 1.2mbps
Windows Media Video
720 x 576, 1.2mbps

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講題 Topic: 三維環境影響評估 / 3D Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
日期 Date: 2011 5 月31日 (星期二) 下午 6 時30分至 8
May 31, 2011 (Tuesday), 6:30pm - 8:00pm
地點 Venue: 香港中央圖書館 演講廳
Lecture Theatre, Hong Kong Central Library
講者 Speaker: 李行偉教授 / Project WATERMAN 項目負責人
王文平教授 / Project WATERMAN 項目副負責人
Prof. Joseph H.W. Lee / Principal Investigator of Project WATERMAN
Prof. Wenping Wang / Co-Principal Investigator of Project WATERMAN
講題大綱 Abstract:

為各種自然和人為的排放進行環境影響評估是必須的。這些排放包括深海熱岩液、淨化海港計劃(HATS) 處理後的生活污水、核電站排放的受污染冷卻水、或海水化淡廠排放的高濃度鹽水、以及工廠意外洩漏的有毒化學品。


It is necessary to assess the environmental impact of natural and man-made discharges such as hydrothermal vents in the deep ocean floor, treated sewage effluents from the Harbour Area Treatment Scheme (HATS), contaminated cooling water discharges from nuclear power stations, brine discharges from desalination plants, or accidental toxic spills from factories.

This lecture will address the challenges of the EIA practices for the water environment in Hong Kong. The processes governing the fate and transport of the pollutants from the sources to the various sensitive receivers will be explained. The major components in Project Waterman's EIA system will be introduced. The development of robust modelling, advanced visualization and Internet-based graphics technologies will be illustrated together with practical application examples including the real-time control of disinfection dosage. The lecture will be conducted in Cantonese and Putonghua with simultaneous English translation.

幻燈片 Slides: Public Lecture 2, Slides 公開講座系列二 / Public Lecture 2
影片 Videos:
Public Lecture 1, 300kbps
Windows Media Video
360 x 288, 300kbps
Public Lecture 1, 500kbps
Windows Media Video
720 x 576, 500kbps
Public Lecture 1, 1.2mbps
Windows Media Video
720 x 576, 1.2mbps

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講題 Topic: 香港漁業管理及紅潮預報系統 / Fisheries Management and Red Tide Early Warning System for Hong Kong
日期 Date:

2011年9月15日(星期四)下午6時30分至8時 / September 15,2011 (Thursday), 6:30pm - 8:00pm

地點 Venue: 香港中央圖書館 演講廳
Lecture Theatre, Hong Kong Central Library
講者 Speaker: 李行偉教授 / Project WATERMAN 項目負責人
Prof. Joseph H.W. Lee / Principal Investigator of Project WATERMAN
講題大綱 Abstract:




Hong Kong is one of the top five fish consuming cities in Asia. Every day, we consume over 300 tonnes marine fish, which is four times the world’s average. In view of the banning of local fish trawling and the demand for high quality seafood, the role played by local marine fish farming becomes particularly important.

The WATERMAN system provides two advisories for sustainable development of Hong Kong mariculture. The long term advisory on optimal fish stocking size can ensure sustainable use of the marine resources without causing adverse impact to the surrounding environment. The short term red tide early warning and mitigation advisory can minimize fish kill due to red tide disasters (such as the 1998 devastating red tide). Worldwide, this is the first early warning system of its kind.

This lecture will introduce the basic principles of the WATERMAN fisheries management and red tide early warning system, and how it benefits Hong Kong fisheries and environmental management. It will be conducted in Cantonese with simultaneous English translation.

幻燈片 Slides: Public Lecture 1, Slides 公開講座系列三 / Public Lecture 3

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Workshops on Water Quality Forecast and Management System
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